Our Philosophy

Live The Life You Were Born To.
Find The Courage To Be
The Person You Were Meant To Be.
Contribute Powerfully To The Good In The World.

Modern hand reading is based in science. Yes, a skilled reader has strong intuitive skills, but they rely on training to see and interpret the complex map contained within your palms. An analyst can show you the lessons you agreed to learn and the gifts you were given to bring to the world. You will discover your most evolved skills and your least evolved skills. Together you’ll identify and interpret the essential information to creating and sustaining a life you feel inspired and passionate about. It makes it easy to get back on track with your vision and your mission. And stay that way. Kate Arnold is a certified professional hand analyst. She uses a scientific approach to read the information imprinted in your fingerprints. Many people don’t know what innate skills they were born with. If you want to understand why you aren’t expressing your gifts and talents in your life now, a hand analysis offers you a perfect chart. Request your Hand Reading and tap into inspiration and intuition.

How Does Hand Analysis Work?

No matter where you live, Kate can read your hands. She’ll study your prints and then give you the results by phone. The reading will be recorded, and you’ll get a link to download the recording. Now get ready for the magic to occur. Kate is skilled in helping you interpret the results and encouraging you to use the information to step into a more satisfying way of life. You’ll receive a road map to follow rather than predictions of the future. She’s not a fortune teller. She won’t answer questions like, “When am I going to find a relationship?” or “Am I going to win the lottery?” What she will tell you in your hand reading is what interests, pursuits and activities would bring you happiness, fulfillment, and moments of great joy. Request your hand analysis and begin taking steps toward fulfilling your destiny, bringing enthusiasm and purpose back into every moment of your life.

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